* 1st row from left to right
M. Petersen (U.S Geological Survey (USGS))
M. Ohtake (The Coordinating Committee For Earthquake Prediction / Tohoku University)
K. Irikura (Kyoto University)
J. Whitcomb (National Science Foundation)
Y. Hoshino (Geographical Survey Institute (GSI))
W. Ellsworth (USGS)
W. Thatcher (USGS)
R. Wesson (USGS)
M. Kaidzu (GSI)
T. Fujitani (Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA))
* 2nd row
H. Nakagawa (GSI)
Y. Takahashi (Building Research Institute)
H. Horikawa (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
T. Katsura (Japan Coast Guard)
Y. Okada (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED))
E. Tsukuda (AIST)
K. Isogai (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT))
K. Hudnut (USGS)
J. Hardebeck (University of California, San Diego)
S. Ozawa (GSI)
A. Donnellan (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, NASA)
* 3rd row
H. Kuroki (Meteorological Research Institute)
T. Yokoi (Building Research Institute)
O. Kamigaichi (JMA)
M. Murakami (GSI)
K. Shimazaki (University of Tokyo)
H. Miyatake (Cabinet Office)
K. Olsen (University of California, Santa Barbara)
K. Maeda (MEXT)
T. Matsuzawa (Tohoku University)
Y. Fujinawa (NIED)
* 4th row
T. Imakiire (GSI)
T. Sagiya (GSI)
B. Atwater(USGS)
M. Simons (California Institute of Technology)
F. Pollitz (USGS)
N. Matsumoto (AIST)
D. Bowman (California State University, Fullerton)

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