Report of activity
Abstract of the 231st meeting of CCEP
The 231st meeting of the Coordinating Committee for Earthquake Prediction (CCEP) was held at the web confrence of GSI on May. 28, 2021. Firstly, the nationwide monitoring data of the seismic activity and the crustal deformaitons were reported. Secondary, the CCEP members discussed the intensive discussion subject "Improvements of earthquake and tsunami early warnings: Ten years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake". Finally, the purport of next intensive discussion subject "Physical models of preparation and generation processes of megathrust earthquakes in subduction zone aiming for their forecast" was explained. ※The materials on this site are written in Japanese.
- Organization of the 27th CCEP.
- Deliberation about crusutal activity monitoring.
- Intensive discussion "Improvements of earthquake and tsunami early warnings: Ten years after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake"
- Purport of next intensive discussion subject "Physical models of preparation and generation processes of megathrust earthquakes in subduction zone aiming for their forecast"
Prof. Yamaoka of Nagoya University was elected as the new chairman. Then, Prof. Yamaoka designated Prof. Matsuzawa (Tohoku Univ.) and Prof. Obara (Tokyo Univ.) as the vice-chairman, and Prof. Obara as the leader of steering subcommittee.
2.1 General crustal activities
(1) Seismic activities of Japan.
p3 (JMA)
(2) Activities of shallow and very-low-frequency earthquakes around Japan.
p4 (NIED)
(3) Strain changes in Japanese Islands.
p5 (GSI)
2.2 Stuck state of plate boundary and its change.
(1) Suruga trough, Nankai trough and Nansei islands trench.
p6 (NIED)
p7 , p8, p9 (GSI)
2.3 Others
(1) Earthquake in off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture.(Feb 13)
pp10-12 (JMA)
pp13-14 (GSI)
p15 (NIED)
(2) Earthquake in off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture.(Mar 20)
pp16-18 (JMA)
(3) Earthquake in off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture.(May 1)
p22 (JMA)
pp23-25 (GSI)
(4) Earthquake activity in off the coast of Miyagi Prefecture.
p26 (GSI)
pp27-29 (NIED)
p30 (Tohoku University)
pp34-35 Convener: Mitsuyuki HOSHIBA (MRI, Meteorological Research Institute)
-Improvements of Earthquake Early Warning and Tsunami Warning/Advisory of JMA
p36 Tatsuhiko KUWAYAMA (JMA, Japan Meteorological Agency)
-Improvement of Rapid Coseismic Fault Determination using real-time GNSS positioning
p37 Hironori MURAMATSU (GSI, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan) and Yusaku Ohta (Tohoku University)
-Research on earthquake early warning: development of last 10 years
p38 Mitsuyuki HOSHIBA (MRI, Meteorological Research Institute)
-Recent development of real-time tsunami forecasting methods
p39 Yuuichiro TANIOKA (Hokkaido University)
p40 Convener: Takamine HORI (JAMASTEC, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)