1-1 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Hokkaido (May - October, 1993) (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[306KB] |
1-2 |
Seismicity of the Okushiri Ridge Observed by an Ocean Bottom Seismograph (DPRI) PDF[215KB] |
1-3 |
Seismicity before the 1993 Hokkaido -Nansei- Oki Earthquake (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[246KB] |
1-4 |
Aftershocks of the 1993 Hokkaido -Nansei- Oki Earthquake (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[1.5MB] |
1-5 |
Broadband Aftershock Observation of the 1993 Hokkaido -Nansei- Oki Earthquake (NIED) PDF[608KB] |
1-6 |
Some features of the seismic activity prior to the 1993 Hokkaido - Nansei - Oki Earthquake of M7.8 (Kiyoo Mogi) PDF[314KB] |
1-7 |
The Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake, 1993 (July 12, M7.8) (JMA) PDF[1.5MB] |
1-8 |
On the 1993 Southwest off Hokkaido Earthquake (M7.8) (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[849KB] |
1-9 |
Source Mechanism of the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake (ERI) PDF[469KB] |
1-10 |
Crustal deformation after the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake near its source region by GPS measurements (Hokkaido Univ.) , (Tohoku Univ.) , (ERI) PDF[216KB] |
1-11 |
Co-seismic horizontal displacement at Kaminokuni originated fromthe 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake detected by GPS measurements (Hokkaido Univ.) , (Hirosaki Univ.) PDF[230KB] |
1-12 |
Source Process of the July 12,1993, Nansei-Oki Earthquake Estimated from Long-period Surface Waves (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[234KB] |
1-13 |
Subsidence of the Okushiri island caused by the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake -By the measurement of the relative position of the coastal creatures- (GS) PDF[257KB] |
1-14 |
Geological and geophysical survey of the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake by R/V Hakure-maru (GS) PDF[1.4MB] |
1-15 |
A Field Survey of Tsunami Generated by the Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake-from Otaru to Rebun Island- (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[436KB] |
1-16 |
Survey report of topography, geological structure, geomagnetic anogmalies. and gravity anomalies in the source region of 1993 off SW Hokkaid Earthquake (HD) PDF[714KB] |
1-17 |
Vertical crustal movements in the Okusiri Island (HD) PDF[153KB] |
1-18 |
Permanent and temporaly observations carried out by university consortium in and around 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[242KB] |
1-19 |
On the Occurrence Pattern of the Largest Aftershock in the Past (JMA) PDF[244KB] |
1-20 |
Re-examination of seismic gaps along the eastern Japan Sea (JMA) PDF[221KB] |
1-21 |
Crustal Movements in the Hokkaido District (GSI) PDF[825KB] |
1-22 |
The 1992 Seismic Refraction Experiment in Hokkaido (Tsubetu-Monbetsu Profile) (ERI) PDF[603KB] |
1-23 |
Submarine topography and geological structure of Matumae Plateau (HD) PDF[678KB] |
2-1 |
Microearthquake Activity in and around the Tohoku District (May-October, 1993) (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[1.5MB] |
2-2 |
Crustal Movements in the Tohoku District (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[165KB] |
2-3 |
Crustal Deformation in Tohoku District before and after the 1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki Earthquake (NAOM) PDF[583KB] |
2-4 |
Continuous Observation of Crustal Deformation in Tohoku District-Tilt Change for the period from April, 1984 to October, 1993- (NAOM) PDF[338KB] |
2-5 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Movements at the Esashi Earth Tides Station. (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[322KB] |
2-6 |
Positioning of the Mizusawa Station from the IRIS-P VLBI Network (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[224KB] |
2-7 |
Contimous Observation of Crustal Deformation in Tohoku District-Strain Change for the period from April, 1984 to July, 1993- (NIED) PDF[395KB] |
2-8 |
Radon Observation in the Eastern Part of Fukushima Prefecture (XI) (ERI) PDF[215KB] |
3-1 |
Recent Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May-October, 1993) (JMA) PDF[365KB] |
3-2 |
Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Koshinetsu District (May - October, 1993) (ERI) PDF[938KB] |
3-3 |
Seismic Activity along the Oceanic Trench east off Kanto and Izu islands (JMA) PDF[453KB] |
3-4 |
M6 Class Earthquakes near the Volcanic Front in the Northern Kanto Area in Relation to Local and Regional Seismicity (JMA) PDF[464KB] |
3-5 |
Seismic Activity in the Northern Part of Nagano Prefecture and the Observation of Crustal Movement at Matsushiro (May 1 - October 31,1993) (GSI) PDF[361KB] |
3-6 |
On the Earthquake in the southwesternm part of Ibaraki prefecture (May21,1993-M5.4) (HD) PDF[244KB] |
3-7 |
Crustal Movements in the Kanto District (NIED) PDF[270KB] |
3-8 |
GPS Observations around Sagami Bay (April, 1990 - December, 1993) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[176KB] |
3-9 |
Recent Results of Continuous Crustal Tilt Observation in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May - October, 1993) (JMA) PDF[760KB] |
3-10 |
Observation of Groundwater Level at Kamakura (ERI) PDF[92KB] |
4-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Izu Peninsula (May - October, 1993) (ERI) PDF[1.7MB] |
4-2 |
Seismic Activities in the Izu Peninsula and its Vicinity (May - July, 1993) (ERI) PDF[524KB] |
4-3 |
Seismic Activities in the Izu Peninsula and its Vicinity (August - October, 1993) (NIED) PDF[342KB] |
4-4 |
Seismic Activities in the Zenisu Ridge Area in relation toRegional Seismicity (ERI) PDF[307KB] |
4-5 |
Ground Tilt Change Associated with the Swarm Activity off the East Coast of Izu Peninsula in May-June, 1993 (ERI) PDF[324KB] |
4-6 |
Characteristic Feature of the 1993 May - July Seismic Swarm off the East Coast of the lzu Peninsula (JMA) PDF[542KB] |
4-7 |
Seismic Gap off the East Coast of the Izu Peninsula (JMA) PDF[246KB] |
4-8 |
Anomalous Subsurface Vertical Electric Field Changes associated with the May, June 1993 seismic swarm off Ito (ERI) PDF[220KB] |
4-9 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Niijima and Kozushima Islands (October 1.0,1993-M 4.1) (ERI) PDF[260KB] |
4-10 |
Probabilistic estimation for the lzu swarm activity in May - June, 1993 (GSI) PDF[313KB] |
4-11 |
Geodimeter Surveys at the Ito Base Line Network (GSI) PDF[363KB] |
4-12 |
Recent Horizontal Displacement Detected by Automatic Electronic Distance Measurement in the Ito Seismovolcanic Region (ERI) PDF[233KB] |
4-13 |
Crustal Movements in the lzu Peninsula and its Vicinity (Tokyo Inst. Tech.) , (DPRI) PDF[1.3MB] |
4-14 |
Crustal Movements in Izu Oshima island. (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[162KB] |
4-15 |
Continuous Tilt Observation by Water-tube Tiltmeter at Ajiro and Uchiura in the Izu Peninsula from January to October in 1993 (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[171KB] |
4-16 |
Geomagnetic Anomaly and Free-air Gravity Anomaly at the West Offing of Niisima Island (GS) PDF[375KB] |
4-17 |
Geomagnetic Total Intensity Observations in the Eastern Part of the Izu Peninsula (November, 1992 - October, 1993) (GS) PDF[451KB] |
4-18 |
Observations of the Electric and Magnetic Fields in the Izu Peninsula (JMA) PDF[482KB] |
4-19 |
Radon Observation in the Izu Peninsula (XI) (JMA) PDF[91KB] |
4-20 |
Groundwater Changes Associated with the Seismic Swarms off the East Coast of Izu Peninsula. (May 26 - June 3,1993) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[144KB] |
4-21 |
Coseismic Groundwater changes Observed at Sensitive Wells in Ito City (JMA) PDF[283KB] |
4-22 |
Changes in hot springs associated with the 1993 earthquake swarm off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula (result of questionnaire survey) (NIED) PDF[234KB] |
4-23 |
Variation of Groundwater Monitoring Data at the Akazawa Hot Spring WeIls No.1 and No.6,Ito City-Variation in 1992 - 1993,Emphasized on the Relation to the Occurence of the Earthquakes East off Izu Peninsulain May - June,1993 and afterward PDF[387KB] |
5-1 |
Seismic Activity in the Tokai ahd Southern Kanto Districts (May - October, 1993) (JMA) PDF[949KB] |
5-2 |
On the Change of Seismic Activity in the Tokai District (November, 1988 - October, 1993) (NIED) PDF[334KB] |
5-3 |
Distribution of Microearthquakes in Tokai District (May 1 - Oct. 31,1993) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[131KB] |
5-4 |
On the Earthquake in the central part of Shizuoka prefecture (near Shizuoka City) (August 8,1993-M4.2) (Nagoya Univ.) , (Shizuoka Univ.) , (Gifu Univ.) , (ERI) PDF[484KB] |
5-5 |
Earthquakes Occurred around the central Area of the Shizuoka Prefecture in August, 1993 (ERI) PDF[477KB] |
5-6 |
On the Earthquake far off the Tokaido (near Zeni su) (July11,1993-M4.9) (GSI) PDF[362KB] |
5-7 |
On the Deep Earthquake Far South off Tokaido (October 12,1993-M7.1) (Shizuoka Univ.) , (Shizuoka Pref.) PDF[275KB] |
5-8 |
Focal Zone of the Next Tokai Earthquake Inferred from the Seismic Activity in the Philippine Sea Slab (NIED) PDF[520KB] |
5-9 |
Electro-Optical Distance Measurements in Tokai Region (1978-1993) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[150KB] |
5-10 |
Crustal Movements Observed by GPS on Boundary Region of Philippine Sea and Eurasian Plates (April 1992 - March 1993) (JMA) PDF[203KB] |
5-11 |
Crustal Movement Observation in the Fuji River and the Suruga Bay Areain August, 1993. (Nagoya Univ.) , (Kyoto Univ.) , (DPRI) , (NAOM) PDF[187KB] |
5-12 |
Crustal Movements in the Tokai District (ERI) PDF[1.7MB] |
5-13 |
Observations of the Crustal Tilts at Sagara and Kamisaka Stations in Shizuoka Prefecture (XII) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[182KB] |
5-14 |
Tilt change observation at Mt. Fuji (GS) PDF[305KB] |
5-15 |
Results of Strain Observation Related to the Recent Earthquakes in the Tokai Area. (GS) PDF[199KB] |
5-16 |
Observation of Crustal-Strains by Borehole Strainmeters in the Tokai andSouthern Kanto Districts (May - October, 1993) (JMA) PDF[572KB] |
5-17 |
Gravity Change in Tokai District (JMA) PDF[151KB] |
5-18 |
Variations in the Geomagnetic Total Intensity in Tokai District (August, 1988 - July, 1993) (Kyushu Univ.) PDF[355KB] |
5-19 |
Radon Observation in the Tokai District (XI) (JMA) PDF[96KB] |
5-20 |
Long-term Fluctuation of Ground Water Level at the Haibara and the Hamaoka Observation Wells and Water Discharge Rates at the Omaezaki Observation Well (JMA) PDF[210KB] |
5-21 |
Observation of Discharge Rate at Shibakawa in Shizuoka prefecture. (JMA) , (Kagoshima Univ.) PDF[126KB] |
6-1 |
Recent Seismic Activity in the Region off Kii Pen, and off Shikoku District (DPRI) PDF[254KB] |
6-2 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Kyushu District (May - October, 1993) (Kagoshima Univ.) PDF[408KB] |
6-3 |
Seismlc Activity in the Middle and the Northern Kyushu District (May - October, 1993) (GSI) PDF[246KB] |
6-4 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Okinawa District (May - October, 1993) (GSI) PDF[432KB] |
6-5 |
On the Earthquake in the Northern Japan Alps Region (Hida Mountains) (July 20,1993-M5.0) (GSI) PDF[576KB] |
6-6 |
On the earthquake in the near Tanegashima Island (August 2,1993-M5.6) (GSI) PDF[220KB] |
6-7 |
GPS Observation of Uji-Shionomisaki Baseline (1993) (GSI) PDF[160KB] |
6-8 |
Secular Change in Distance between Yunohira, Sakurajima Volcano and Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University (DPRI) PDF[158KB] |
6-9 |
Crustal Movements in the Chubu District (DPRI) PDF[360KB] |
6-10 |
Vertical Crustal Movements in the Kinki District (DPRI) PDF[105KB] |
6-11 |
Crustal Movements in the Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[396KB] |
6-12 |
Crustal Movements in the Kyushu District (DPRI) PDF[406KB] |
6-13 |
Crustal Movements in the Okinawa District (DPRI) PDF[250KB] |
6-14 |
Results from Monitoring Chains of Crustal Activities in Kinki District (Tentative Values) (May-October I993) (DPRI) , (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[461KB] |
6-15 |
Crustal Movements in the Southeastern kyushu District (January, 1992 - October, 1993) (DPRI) , (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[282KB] |
6-16 |
Observation of Earth Strains at Horyu (Crusal Stress, Res. Group) PDF[128KB] |
6-17 |
Observation of Crustal Strain and Discharge Rateat Rokko Takao Observation Station (GRG) , (JMA) PDF[99KB] |
6-18 |
Change in the Geomagnetic Total Intensity during the Quiescent Period of the Earthquake Swarm in Iriomote Island PDF[129KB] |
6-19 |
Temporal variation of Water Microtemperature at Yudani Hot Springin Tottori Prefecture PDF[268KB] |
6-20 |
Seismic Exploration in the Southern Part of the Yoro Fault PDF[584KB] |
6-21 |
Seismic Exploration in the East End of the Arima-Takatsuki Tectonic Line PDF[497KB] |
6-22 |
General Report of Crustal Stress Measurements (1979 - 1993) PDF[431KB] |
7-1 |
Precise Observation of Geomagnetic Secular Variation (January,1977 - September,1993) PDF[351KB] |