1-1 |
Seismic Activity around southwest off Hokkaido (from May, 1996 to April, 1997 h≦60km) (JMA) PDF[134KB] |
1-2 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Hokkaido (November, 1996-April, 1997) (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[612KB] |
1-3 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around the Hokkaidc District (November, 1996-April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[225KB] |
1-4 |
Crustal Deformation Rates before and after the Hokkaido-Toho-Oki Earthquake (Mw8.3) on October 4,1994 (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[112KB] |
1-5 |
Changes of groud waterlevel before large earthquakes at a deep well in Obihiro city, Hokkaido. (GS) PDF[80KB] |
2-1 |
Microearthquake Activity in and around the Tohoku District (November, 1966-April, 1997) (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[1MB] |
2-2 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around the Tohoku District (November, 1996-April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[100KB] |
2-3 |
Continuous Observation of Crustal Deformation in Tohoku District-Distribution of seismic coupling on the Subducting Plate Boundary in the Northeastern Japan- (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[323KB] |
2-4 |
Crustal Movements in the Tohoku District (GSI) PDF[219KB] |
2-5 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Movements at the Esashi Earth Tides Station (NAOM) PDF[184KB] |
3-1 |
Seismic activity in the Kanto, Shinetsu and Hokuriku Districts, and adjacent areas (November, 1996 April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[383KB] |
3-2 |
Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Koshinetu District (Nov, , 1996-Jan., 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[789KB] |
3-3 |
Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Koshinem District (February, 1996 April, 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[647KB] |
3-4 |
Recent Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Tokai Area (November, 1996 April, 1997) (NIED) PDF[425KB] |
3-5 |
Data From An On-Line Observation Network of Ocean-Bottom-Seismometers Deployed at the Sagami Trough Subduction Zone, Central Japan (NIED) PDF[554KB] |
3-6 |
An earthquake of 1996/12/21 occurred at SW Ibaraki Prefecture (M5.4) (NIED) PDF[713KB] |
3-7 |
GPS Observations around Sagami Bay (February, 1990-May, 1996) (MSA) PDF[154KB] |
3-8 |
Crustal Movements Observed by Kanto-Tokai GPS Fixed-Point Network (October, 1994 April, 1997) (NIED) PDF[757KB] |
3-9 |
Crustal Deformation Monitoring in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area (MPT) PDF[93KB] |
3-10 |
Crustal Movements in the Kanto District (GSI) PDF[693KB] |
3-11 |
Recent Results of Continuous Crustal Tilt Observation in the Kanto-Tokai Area (November, 1996-April, 1997) (NIED) PDF[565KB] |
3-12 |
Results of Continuous Observation by Three-Component Strainmeters and IBOSes in Kanto District (from Octover, 1996 to April, 1997) (NIED) PDF[223KB] |
3-13 |
Results of Electric Field Changes Observation in the Kanto-Tokai Area (Dec. 1996-Apr. 1997) (NIED) (CRL) PDF[216KB] |
3-14 |
Variation in Earth Resistivity at Aburatsubo (May, 1996-April, 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[90KB] |
4-1 |
Swarm activities east off Izu Peninsula and associated crustal deformations (NIED) PDF[960KB] |
4-2 |
Seismic Activities in the Izu Peninsula and its Vicinity (November, 1996 January, 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[428KB] |
4-3 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Izu Peninsula (November, 1996-April, 1997) (NIE D.) PDF[509KB] |
4-4 |
Seismic Activities in the Izu Peninsula and its Vicinity (February, 1997-April, 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[462KB] |
4-5 |
Strain Changes at Oohito before and after October 1996 Seismic Swarm off Ito (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[160KB] |
4-6 |
Observation by Multi-component Borehole Instrument at ITO Earthquake S. warm (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[527KB] |
4-7 |
Ground Tilt Changes Associated with the Swarm Activities off the East Coast of Izu Peninsula in March, 1997 (NIED) PDF[388KB] |
4-8 |
Ito GPS Campaigns for Crustal Movement Studies (June, 1994-July, 1996) (JUNCO.) PDF[62KB] |
4-9 |
EDM Observation on the1997, March, Off-Ito Swarm Earthquakes (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[254KB] |
4-10 |
Geodimeter Surveys at the Ito Base Line Network (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[450KB] |
4-11 |
Horizontal Displacements at Kozujima Detected by GPS Measurements (1990-1997) (Nagoya Univ.) (Kochi Univ.) (Tokyo Univ.) (Shizuoka Univ.) (MSA) PDF[257KB] |
4-12 |
Horizontal Displacements at Miyakejima Detected by GPS Measurements (Sept. 1995-Sept. 1996) (Nagoya Univ.) (Tokyo Univ.) (Kyushu Univ.) PDF[600KB] |
4-13 |
Vertical Movements at Kozushima Island Detected by GPS Measurements (May 1995-Feb. 1996) (NAL) (Nagoya Univ.) (Shizuoka Univ.) PDF[285KB] |
4-14 |
Crustal Movements in the Izu penimsula and its Visinity (GSI) PDF[767KB] |
4-15 |
The Variation of the Groundwater Level, Discharge Rate and chemical components in groundwater observed by Telemetering System in Izu Peninsula, Central Japan (1996.1-1997.5) (15) (GS) PDF[275KB] |
4-16 |
Groundwater Changes Associated with the Seismic Swarms off the East Coast of Izu Peninsula (March, 1997) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[55KB] |
5-1 |
Change of Seismic Activity in the Tokai District (JMA) PDF[392KB] |
5-2 |
Seismic Activity in the Tokai Area (January, 1986-April, 1997) (NIED) PDF[864KB] |
5-3 |
Magnitude-frequency Distributions and Temporal Variations in b-value in the Tokai Area (NIED) (JMA) PDF[472KB] |
5-4 |
Distribution of Microearthquakes in Tokai District (May 1-Octover 31,1996) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[107KB] |
5-5 |
Distribution of Microearthquakes in Tokai District (November 1,1996-April 30,1997) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[97KB] |
5-6 |
Seismic activity in the Tokai and Southern Kanto Districts (November, 1 996 April, 1996) (JMA) PDF[385KB] |
5-7 |
GPS Measurement at the Zenisu Ridge in the period 1995-1996 (Tokyo Univ.) (Kochi Univ.) (Nagoya Univ.) (NIED) (GSI) PDF[265KB] |
5-8 |
Vertical Movements and Changes of Line Lengths in the Tokai region (1977-1996) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[474KB] |
5-9 |
Crustal Movements in the Tokai District (GSI) PDF[727KB] |
5-10 |
Crustal Movement Observation in the Fuji River and the Suruga Bay Area (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[190KB] |
5-11 |
Observations of the Crustal Tilts at Sagara and Kamisaka Stations in Shizuoka Prefecture (XVI) (Shizuoka Univ.) (Shizuoka Gov.) PDF[233KB] |
5-12 |
Observation of Crustal Strains by the Borehole Strainmeters in the Tokai and Southem Kanto Districts (November, 1996-April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[211KB] |
5-13 |
The Variation of the Groundwater Level Observed by Telemetering System in the Eastern Tokai District, Central Japan (1996.1-1997.5) (15) (GS) PDF[83KB] |
6-1 |
Seismic Activity in the Inner Zone of Southwest Japan (November, 1996〜April, 1997) (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[375KB] |
6-2 |
Earthquake Swarm in the Western Part of Ehime Prefecture in April 1997 (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[311KB] |
6-3 |
Seismic Activity in Northern Part of Nagano Prefecture and Observation of Crustal Movement at Matsushiro (November 1,1996-April 30,1997) (JMA) PDF[273KB] |
6-4 |
Joint Observation in and around the Central Mountain Area in 1996 (Nagoya Univ.) (Kyoto Univ.) (Shinshu Univ.) (Gifu Univ.) (Tottoi Univ.) (Fukui NCollege) (Tokyo Univ.) (Toyama Univ.) (Kanazawa Univ.) (Tohoku Univ.) (Hirosaki Univ.) (Hokkaido Univ.) (Chiba Univ.) PDF[486KB] |
6-5 |
Earthquake in eastern Aichi Prefecture on March 16,1997 (JMA) PDF[483KB] |
6-6 |
An Earthquake of March 16,1997 in the Eastern Part of Aichi Prefecture (NIED) PDF[342KB] |
6-7 |
On the Focal Mechanisms of the Earthquake in the East of Aichi Prefecture (March 16,1997) and its Aftershocks (NIED) PDF[158KB] |
6-8 |
Strain changes observed by extensometers, and changes in radon concentrations in the observation tunnel before and after Eastern Aichi Prefecture earthquake (M=5.8, March 16,1997) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[188KB] |
6-9 |
Compositional change of mineral spring gas at Yuya Spa associated with Eastern Aichi Prefecture earhquake (M=5.8, March 16,1997) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[91KB] |
6-10 |
Crustal Movements in the Chubu and Hokuriku Districts (GSI) PDF[482KB] |
7-1 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Kinki, Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (November, 1996-April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[183KB] |
7-2 |
Quantitative comparison of seismicity with static stress change by the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[325KB] |
7-3 |
VSeismic activity before and after the great interplate earthquakes in historical documents at Yamato and Kyoto (TRIES) PDF[235KB] |
7-4 |
Changes in groundwater level just after the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu Earthquake in Kansai District and Tokushima Prefecture (GS) PDF[112KB] |
7-5 |
Crustal Movements in the Kinki District (GSI) PDF[112KB] |
7-6 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformations in and around Intraplate Seismic Gaps (MRI) PDF[454KB] |
7-7 |
Observation of the tectonic activities in the Arima-Takatsuki-Rokko Fault Zone (Preliminary Results) (GS) PDF[350KB] |
7-8 |
Observation of the tectonic activities in the Arima-Takatsuld-Rokko Fault Zone (GS) PDF[133KB] |
7-9 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformation in Hokuriku, Kinki and San-in Districts (May 1,1996-April 30,1997) (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[194KB] |
7-10 |
Permeability of the Nojima Fault (GS) PDF[559KB] |
7-11 |
Paleoseismological study including trenching survey of the Hanaore fault, southwestern Japan (GS) PDF[355KB] |
7-12 |
Seismic reflection survey of the Uemachi fault system including the Suminoe flexure (GS) PDF[949KB] |
8-1 |
Crustal movements in the Chugoku and Shikoku districts (GSI) PDF[487KB] |
9-1 |
Seismic activity in the Hyuganada region and it's surrounding area (Nihon Univ.) PDF[122KB] |
9-2 |
Recent seismic activity in the southern part of Kyusyu (Nihon Univ.) PDF[111KB] |
9-3 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Okinawa District (November, 1996-April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[178KB] |
9-4 |
Seismic Activity in the South-East Part of Kyusyu District and Hyuganada Region. ( 1997 May) (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[213KB] |
9-5 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Kyushu District (November 1996-April 1997) (JMA) PDF[274KB] |
9-6 |
Seismic Activity in the Southern Kyushu District (Novenber, 1996-April, 1997) (Kagoshima Univ.) PDF[2MB] |
9-7 |
Seismic Activity in Kyushu (November 1996-April 1997) (Kyushu Univ.) PDF[462KB] |
9-8 |
On the earthquake with M6.6 Hyuganada off Miyazaki prefecture, on December 3,1997. (JMA) PDF[290KB] |
9-9 |
On the earthquake with M6.3 and M6.2 in Satsuma region, Kagoshima prefecture on March 26 and May 13,1997 (JMA) PDF[468KB] |
9-10 |
The earthquakes with M6.3 (March 26,1997) and with M6.2 (May 13,1997) occurred in Northwestern Kagoshima Prefecture (Kagoshima Univ.) PDF[265KB] |
9-11 |
Crustal Movements in the Kyushu District (GSI) PDF[594KB] |
9-12 |
Geological characteristics of the source area of a M6.3 earthquake which occurred in northwestern Kagoshima Prefecture on March 26,1997 (GS) PDF[312KB] |
9-13 |
Distributuoins of the Faults in the Fukuoka Bay and Adjacent Area. (MSA) PDF[785KB] |
10-1 |
SEIS-PC for Windows95 (MRI) PDF[83KB] |
10-2 |
Focal Mechanism Solutions of MainEarthquakes in and near Japan (November, 1996 April, 1997) (JMA) PDF[134KB] |
10-3 |
Data analysis of the Western Pacific Integrated Network of GPS (1995.7-1996.6) (JUNCO.) PDF[366KB] |
10-4 |
Results of the Continuous GPS Observations All Over Japan (GSI) PDF[688KB] |
10-5 |
Strain rate distributions in the Japanese islands deduced from the GSI GPS dense array (April 1st, 1996-October 1st, 1996) (GSI) PDF[870KB] |