1-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around Japan (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[1.1MB] |
1-2 |
Activity of Very-low-frequency Earthquakes in and around Japan Detected by Array Analysis (August, 2008 - October, 2008) (NIED) PDF[1.8MB] |
1-3 |
Crustal Deformations of Entire Japan (GSI) PDF[6.6MB] |
1-4 |
Results of Seafloor geodetic observations (JCG) PDF[5.9MB] |
2-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Hokkaido District (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[4.2MB] |
2-2 |
The M7.1 Earthquake off Tokachi District on September 11,2008 (JMA) PDF[12MB] |
2-3 |
Seafloor topography around the epicentral region of the Off Tokachi Earthquake ( Sep. 11,2008. . MJMA7.1) (JCG) PDF[2.5MB] |
2-4 |
Tsunami Analysis of the Tokachi-oki earthquake on Sept. 11,2008 (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[2.7MB] |
2-5 |
Crustal Movements in the Hokkaido District (GSI) PDF[6MB] |
3-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Tohoku District (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[10.2MB] |
3-2 |
Relationships between earthquakes and high strain areas based on geologic structure and geodetic data (AIST) PDF[1MB] |
3-3 |
Current Seismicity Pattern Change around Off-Miyagi Prefecture (Part 6) (NIED) PDF[1.4MB] |
3-4 |
The Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008 (JMA, MRI) PDF[19.2MB] |
3-5 |
Seismic Activity in the Tohoku District before the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008 (JMA) PDF[1.8MB] |
3-6 |
Gravity structure around the epicenter of Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (AIST) PDF[1.3MB] |
3-7 |
Source process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi nairiku earthquake as deduced from strong motion data (preliminary report) (AIST) PDF[1.4MB] |
3-8 |
Seismic activity in and around the source region of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (NIED) PDF[868KB] |
3-9 |
Three dimensional velocity structure around the source regionof the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (NIED) PDF[1.2MB] |
3-10 |
Low-frequency earthquakes in the aftershock activity of 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (NIED) PDF[2.8MB] |
3-11 |
Hi-net tiltmeter records prior to the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (NIED) PDF[2.1MB] |
3-12 |
A simple fault model of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake based on a permanentdisplacement estimated from a KiK-net accelerogram and GEONET GPS displacements (NIED) PDF[584KB] |
3-13 |
Rupture process of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake derived from near-source strong-motion records (NIED) PDF[4.7MB] |
3-14 |
The 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake: Coseismic tilt motion above the fault plane at Ichinoseki-Nishi station (NICWH/IWTH25) (NIED) PDF[1.2MB] |
3-15 |
Strong motions of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake observed by K-NET and KiK-net (NIED) PDF[1.4MB] |
3-16 |
Contribution to the hypocenter determination of seismic stations within the source region of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (NIED) PDF[601KB] |
3-17 |
On the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku earthquake in 2008 (Group for the Emergent Observation of the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake in 2008, Tohoku Univ.) PDF[3MB] |
3-18 |
Rupture process of the 2008 Northern Iwate (Iwate-ken Engan-hokubu) earthquake derived from strong-motion records (NIED) PDF[2.6MB] |
3-19 |
The M6.8 Earthquake in the Northern Coast of Iwate Prefecture on July 24,2008 (JMA) PDF[3.4MB] |
3-20 |
On the intermediate-depth earthquake beneath Iwate prefecture on July 24,2008 (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[2MB] |
3-21 |
The M6.9 Earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture on July 19,2008 (JMA) PDF[6.3MB] |
3-22 |
Crustal Movements in the Tohoku District (GSI) PDF[25.1MB] |
3-23 |
Crustal deformations associated with the Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (M7.2) in 2008 (JCG) PDF[770KB] |
3-24 |
Crustal deformations associated with the Earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture (M6.9) on July 19,2008 (JCG) PDF[767KB] |
3-25 |
Two-Dimensional Surface Displacement associated with the M7.2 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake, 2008 detected by PALSAR Interferometry (AIST) PDF[3.9MB] |
3-26 |
Coseismic deformation of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake derived from SAR interferometry (NIED) PDF[2.5MB] |
3-27 |
Surface rupture associated with the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (AIST) PDF[10.2MB] |
3-28 |
P-wave velocity structure beneath the Dedana fault and Mochikorobashi-Hosokura Tectonic Zone near the source region of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi inland earthquake (AIST) PDF[557KB] |
4-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kanto and Chubu Districts (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[6.8MB] |
4-2 |
Recent Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May, 2008 - October, 2008) (NIED) PDF[2.7MB] |
4-3 |
Earthquake below the boundary between Tokyo Metropolis and Kanagawa prefecture in August 8,2008 (NIED) PDF[1.1MB] |
4-4 |
Earthquakes below the eastern coast of the Boso Peninsula in October 10,12, and 14,2008 (NIED) PDF[1.2MB] |
4-5 |
Increases in short-term probability prior to the off Ibaraki earthquakeof 8 May, 2008. (NIED) PDF[870KB] |
4-6 |
Seismic activity around the Nikkou-Ashio area (May, 2008 - October, 2008) (ERI) PDF[1.3MB] |
4-7 |
Crustal Movements in the Kanto District (GSI) PDF[1.4MB] |
4-8 |
Continuous Observation of Crustal Deformation at Nokogiriyama (ERI) PDF[1.7MB] |
4-9 |
Recent Results of Continuous Crustal Tilt Observation in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May 2008 - October 2008) (NIED) PDF[2.9MB] |
4-10 |
Temporal Variation in the Groundwater Level in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (May 2008 - October 2008) (HSRI, AIST) PDF[1.4MB] |
5-1 |
Crustal Movements in the Izu peninsula and its Vicinity (GSI) PDF[6.2MB] |
5-2 |
GPS observations by Japan Coast Guard (JCG) PDF[1.1MB] |
5-3 |
Observation of Crustal Movements around Izu and Tokai Areas by GSIand NIED GPS Networks (February 2007 - November 2008) (NIED) PDF[1.4MB] |
6-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Tokai Area (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[11.1MB] |
6-2 |
Activities of Low-Frequency Earthquakes and Short-term Slow Slip Events in the Tokai Area (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[6.1MB] |
6-3 |
Seismic Activation in the Western Region of the Tokai Locked Zone (NIED) PDF[545KB] |
6-4 |
Crustal Movements in the Tokai District (GSI) PDF[12.1MB] |
6-5 |
Observation of Crustal Strain by Borehole Strainmeters in the Tokaiand Southern Kanto Districts (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[1.6MB] |
6-6 |
Crustal Deformations due to Short-term Slow Slip Event Observed with the Laser Extensometer (MRI) PDF[577KB] |
6-7 |
The Variation of the Groundwater Level, Discharge Rate, Tilt meter, Three-Component Strain, and Subsidence in the Tokai, Kanto District and Izu Peninsula, Central Japan. (from May 2008 to Oct. 2008) (36) (AIST) PDF[3.2MB] |
7-1 |
Crustal Movements in the Hokuriku and Chubu District (GSI) PDF[2.1MB] |
7-2 |
Crustal Deformations Observed at Matsushiro (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[1.2MB] |
7-3 |
Observation of Tectonic Activities around the Active Faults in Eastern Gifu Region (May, 2008 - October, 2008) (AIST) PDF[2.1MB] |
8-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kinki, Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[603KB] |
8-2 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformations in and around Intraplate Seismic Gaps (MRI) PDF[797KB] |
8-3 |
Strain Changes associated with the SSE in Kii Peninsula (June and November, 2008) (AIST) PDF[3.4MB] |
8-4 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformations at Observation Networksin Central Kinki and Southeast Kyusyu District (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[1.1MB] |
8-5 |
Temporal Variation in the Groundwater Level and Crustal Strain in the Kinki District, Japan (May 2008 - October 2008) (AIST) PDF[1.5MB] |
9-1 |
Activity of deep low-frequency tremors in southwest Japan (May, 2008 - October, 2008) (NIED) PDF[3.9MB] |
9-2 |
Short-term slow slip events with non-volcanic tremors in southwest Japan (May - October, 2008) (NIED) PDF[4.7MB] |
9-3 |
Temporal Variation in the hot spring water and groundwater in the Tottori Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture, Japan (May 2008 - October 2008) (Tottori Univ., Kyoto Univ., AIST) PDF[1.2MB] |
10-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kyushu District (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[2.6MB] |
10-2 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Okinawa District (May - October 2008) (JMA) PDF[569KB] |
10-3 |
Characteristic Earthquake Sequence near Miyakojima Island (JMA) PDF[3.8MB] |
11-1 |
Crustal Movements in Other Regions (GSI) PDF[1.5MB] |
11-2 |
2008 Sichuan Earthquake (GSI) PDF[6.6MB] |
12-1 |
Crustal deformation measurement using ALOS \"Daichi\" PALSAR data (GSI) PDF[3.1MB] |
12-2 |
Current status and issues of GPS/acoustic seafloor geodetic observation (JCG) PDF[12.2MB] |
12-3 |
Surveys of Subsurface Electrical Conductivity Struc (ERI) PDF[1.2MB] |