1-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[4.1MB] |
1-2 |
Activity of Very-low-frequency Earthquakes in and around Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (NIED) PDF[1.6MB] |
1-3 |
Crustal Deformations of Entire Japan (GSI) PDF[11.4MB] |
2-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around Hokkaido District(November 2009 - April 2010)(JMA) PDF[6.1MB] |
2-2 |
Crustal Movements in the Hokkaido District (GSI) PDF[6.7MB] |
3-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Tohoku District (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[5.2MB] |
3-2 |
Current Seismicity Pattern Change around Off-Miyagi Prefecture (Part 9) (NIED) PDF[1.6MB] |
3-3 |
The M6.7 Earthquake off Fukushima Prefecture on March 14, 2010(JMA) PDF[3.2MB] |
3-4 |
Crustal Movements in the Tohoku District(GSI) PDF[5.7MB] |
3-5 |
Aseismic slip scenario for transient crustal deformations around the southern fault before the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Inland earthquake (ISM) PDF[1MB] |
3-6 |
Results of seafloor geodetic observations off Miyagi and Fukushima(JCG) PDF[1.4MB] |
4-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kanto and Chubu Districts (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[6.8MB] |
4-2 |
Recent Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Tokai Area (November 2009 - April 2010) (NIED) PDF[5.4MB] |
4-3 |
The earthquakes below the eastern coast of the Boso Peninsula in December 24, 2009 (NIED) PDF[1.7MB] |
4-4 |
The earthquake below the eastern part of Tokyo Metropolis in May 9, 2010 (NIED) PDF[1.6MB] |
4-5 |
Seismic activity around the Nikkou - Ashio area (November 2009 - April 2010) (ERI) PDF[2.4MB] |
4-6 |
Crustal Movements in the Kanto District(GSI) PDF[4.1MB] |
4-7 |
Crustal Movements around Tokai Areas by GEONET GPS Networks (May 2007 - May 2010) (NIED) PDF[1.1MB] |
4-8 |
Recent Continuous Crustal Tilt Observation in the Kanto, Tokai, and northeastern Kii Peninsula Areas (November 2009 - April 2010) (NIED) PDF[1.5MB] |
4-9 |
Temporal Variation in the Groundwater Level in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (HSRI, AIST) PDF[5MB] |
5-1 |
Seismic activity east off Izu Peninsula on December 2009 (JMA) PDF[2.8MB] |
5-2 |
Detailed hypocenter distribution in east off Izu peninsula (‘Izu-hanto-toho-oki’) on December, 2009 (NIED) PDF[1.1MB] |
5-3 |
Crustal Movements in the Izu peninsula and its Vicinity (GSI) PDF[42.1MB] |
5-4 |
Observation of Crustal Movements around Izu and Tokai Areas by GSI and NIED GPS Networks (August 2008 - May 2010) (NIED) PDF[3.5MB] |
5-5 |
Crustal movements associated with the seismic swarm off Ito in December, 2009, observed by GEONET GPS observations (NIED) PDF[781KB] |
5-6 |
GPS observations by Japan Coast Guard (JCG) PDF[4.4MB] |
5-7 |
Crustal tilt change associated with volcanic seismic activity off the eastern coast of the Izu Peninsula in December 2009 (NIED) PDF[1.7MB] |
5-8 |
Absolute Gravity Change during the Earthquake Swarm at Ito in December 2009 (ERI) PDF[743KB] |
5-9 |
Changes in groundwater level and crustal strain related to the earthquake swarms off the east coast of Izu Peninsula,Japan in December, 2009 (AIST) PDF[1.8MB] |
6-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Tokai Area (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[8MB] |
6-2 |
Crustal Movements in the Tokai District (GSI) PDF[23.4MB] |
6-3 |
Observation of Crustal Strain by Borehole Strainmeters in the Tokai and Southern Kanto Districts (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[3.8MB] |
6-4 |
The Variation of the Groundwater Level, Discharge Rate, Tilt meter, Three-Component Strain, and Subsidence in the Tokai, Kanto District and Izu (from Nov. 2009 to Apr. 2010) (41) Peninsula, Japan. (AIST) PDF[2.8MB] |
6-5 |
Crustal Movement Observation in the Fuji River and the Suruga Bay Area (Part34) (ERI) PDF[1.4MB] |
7-1 |
On Forecast of the 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki Earthquake (M6.8)(Mogi) PDF[3MB] |
7-2 |
Crustal Movements in the Hokuriku and Chubu District (GSI) PDF[1.6MB] |
7-3 |
Tilt Observation at Yahiko observatory (1967-2009) (ERI) PDF[971KB] |
7-4 |
Crustal movement observed at Matsushiro (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[1MB] |
7-5 |
Observation of Tectonic Activities around the Active Faults in Eastern Gifu Region (November 2009 - April 2010) (AIST) PDF[1.4MB] |
8-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kinki, Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[2.5MB] |
8-2 |
Crustal Movements in the Kinki District (GSI) PDF[1MB] |
8-3 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformations at Observation Networks in Central Kinki and Southeast Kyusyu District. (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[1.4MB] |
8-4 |
Comparison of a borehole strainmeter-measured strain variation with GPS, a case study at the Yasutomi station, GSJ, AIST. (AIST) PDF[1.3MB] |
8-5 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Deformations in and around Intraplate Seismic Gaps (MRI) PDF[886KB] |
8-6 |
Temporal Variation in the Groundwater Level and Crustal Strain in the Kinki District, Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (AIST) PDF[1.7MB] |
9-1 |
Activity of deep low-frequency tremors in southwest Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (AIST) PDF[3.6MB] |
9-2 |
Short-term slow slip event with non-volcanic tremors in southwest Japan (December, 2009 - April, 2010) (NIED) PDF[2.6MB] |
9-3 |
Crustal Movements in the Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (GSI)中国・四国地方の地殻変動(地理院) PDF[12.1MB] |
9-4 |
Ground tilt changes due to the long-term slow slip event around the Bungo channel region in 2009 - 2010 (NIED) PDF[2.4MB] |
9-5 |
Temporal Variation in the hot spring water and groundwater in the Tottori Prefecture, Okayama Prefecture and Shimane Prefecture, Japan (November 2009 - April 2010) (Tottori Univ., AIST) PDF[1.6MB] |
10-1 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Kyushu District (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[2.1MB] |
10-2 |
Seismic Activity in and around Okinawa District (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[4.9MB] |
10-3 |
Crustal Movements in the Kyushu and Okinawa Districts (GSI) PDF[630KB] |
11-1 |
Seismic Activity in Other Regions (November 2009 - April 2010) (JMA) PDF[2MB] |
11-2 |
The Earthquake of M7.1 in Haiti Region on January 13, 2010 (JMA) PDF[2.6MB] |
11-3 |
The 2010 Haiti Earthquake (GSI) PDF[1.8MB] |
11-4 |
The Earthquake of M8.8 in Near Coast of Central Chile Region on February 27, 2010 (JMA) PDF[7.2MB] |
11-5 |
The Earthquake of M7.2 in Baja California, Mexico on April 5, 2010 (JMA) PDF[3.4MB] |
11-6 |
The Earthquake of M7.7 in Northern Sumatra, Indonesia on April 7, 2010 (JMA) PDF[3.6MB] |
11-7 |
The Earthquake of M6.9 in Qinghai, China on April 14, 2010 (JMA) PDF[3.9MB] |
11-8 |
The southern Qinghai, China Earthquake in 2010 (GSI) PDF[4MB] |
11-9 |
Statistical test of the 2009 forecasts for small repeating earthquakes east off NE Japan (MRI, Tohoku Univ.) PDF[678KB] |
11-10 |
Crustal Movements in Other Regions (GSI) PDF[5.5MB] |
11-11 |
A Bayesian predictor based on prior distributions of BPT model with slip rates (ISM) PDF[4.8MB] |
12-1 |
Summary of an intensive discussion subject for monitoring of stress accumulation processes of intraplate earthquakess (AIST) PDF[653KB] |
12-2 |
Seismic velocity structure beneath the fault (NIED) PDF[3.6MB] |
12-3 |
Fault segmentation in the Niigata high-strain-rate zone (NIED) PDF[1.8MB] |
12-4 |
Deep Resistivity Structure of Active Faults and Physical properties (Tokyo Institute of Technology) PDF[1.6MB] |
12-5 |
Characteristics on distribution of crustal deformation near the active fault and slip on the deep part of the fault (GSI) PDF[5MB] |
12-6 |
Relation among the stress - strain concentration, deep structure and seismogenesis in the northeastern Japan arc (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[1.4MB] |
12-7 |
Crustal deformation, rheological structure and tectonic loading process in active fault zones in Central Japan (Nagoya Univ., Tohoku Univ., Kyoto Univ. Toyama) PDF[1.5MB] |
12-8 |
Studies on strain rate, fault strength and modeling of stress concentration in some regions with high strain in southwest Japan (Kyoto Univ.) PDF[2.1MB] |
12-9 |
Modeling of crustal deformation and fault development in the Ou Backbone range, NE Japan (BRI) PDF[5.7MB] |
12-10 |
Summary of the intensive discussion subject for Numerical simulations for the stick-slip on the plate boundaries - What phenomena are expected to be detected by the monitoring? (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[654KB] |
12-11 |
Hierarchical structure of asperity and variety in slip pattern (JAMSTEC) PDF[1.5MB] |
12-12 |
Relation of the Unbroken Focal Zone and the Long-term Slow Slip Events in the Tokai Region (MRI) PDF[847KB] |
12-13 |
Change in the recurrence of slow slip events before a large earthquake in the Nankai trough (NIED) PDF[1.4MB] |
12-14 |
Various types of interaction between slip events and their seismic activity changes (JAMSTEC) PDF[2.2MB] |
12-15 |
Capability for detection of Short-term Slow Slip Events (SSE) by strainmeters (MRI,JMA) PDF[910KB] |
12-16 |
Detectability of slip on a plate boundary based on GEONET (GSI) PDF[5.9MB] |
12-17 |
Quasi-realtime detection capability of short-term slow slip event and tremor (NIED) PDF[10.4MB] |
13-01 |
Re-analysis of GEONET F3 solution (GSI) PDF[1.2MB] |
13-02 |
Offset in daily coordinates due to replacement of GPS receiver (GSI) PDF[645KB] |