1-1 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Hokkaido (June-November, 1990) (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[413KB] |
1-2 |
The 1990 Earthquake Swarm in the Northern Sorachi District and the Seismic Belt in the Northern Part of Hokkaido (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[598KB] |
1-3 |
On the Shallow Earthquake (M6.1) in the Northempart of Japan Sea, November 13,1990 (Hokkaido Univ.) PDF[334KB] |
1-4 |
Vertical Movements in the Hokkaido District (GSI) PDF[77KB] |
2-1 |
Microearthquake Activity in and around the Tohoku District (May-October, 1990) (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[1.6MB] |
2-2 |
Continuous Observations of Crustal Movements at the Esashi Earth Tides Station (NAOM) PDF[245KB] |
2-3 |
Continuous Observation of Crustal Deformation in the Tohoku Disthct -Tilt Change for the Period from April, 1984 to October, 1990- (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[448KB] |
2-4 |
Continuous Observation of Crustal Deformation in the Tohoku District -Strain Change for the Period from April, 1984 to July, 1990- (Tohoku Univ.) PDF[526KB] |
2-5 |
Radon Observations in the Eastern Part of Fukushima Prefecture (IX) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[222KB] |
3-1 |
Recent Seismic Activities in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May, 1990-October, 1990) (IESDP) PDF[413KB] |
3-2 |
Recent Seismic Activity around Eastern Boso Peninsula (IESDP) PDF[214KB] |
3-3 |
On the Earthquake (M5.2) near the East Coast of lbaraki Prefecture (Kashima-nada Region) , May 3,1990 (JMA) PDF[234KB] |
3-4 |
On the Earthquake (M5.0) near the East Coast of lbaraki Prefecture (Kashima-nada Region) , October6,1990. (JMA) PDF[216KB] |
3-5 |
The Earthquake off the East Coast of Ibaraki Prefecture (August 5,1990・M5.8) (JMA) PDF[304KB] |
3-6 |
On the Earthquake (M6.0) ln the Near Choshi City, June 1,1990. (JMA) PDF[321KB] |
3-7 |
On the Earthquake near Choshi of June 1,1990 (IESDP) PDF[584KB] |
3-8 |
On the Earthquake in the Central Part of Chiba Prefecture (August 23,1990:M5.4) (JMA) PDF[304KB] |
3-9 |
On the Seismic Activity off Southeast Coast ofthe Boso-Peninsula (July 22-26,1990) . (JMA) PDF[242KB] |
3-10 |
On the Earthquake (M5.5) in the Northwestern Part of Kanagawa Prefecture, June 5,1990 (JMA) PDF[216KB] |
3-11 |
Stationary GPS Observation at the Extended Metropolitan Area of Tokyo, Japan (No. 1) (ERI, Nagoya Univ., Shizuoka Univ., Ibaraki Univ., NAOM) PDF[172KB] |
3-12 |
Observation of Crustal Movements by GPS in Kanto-Tokai Area (February 1989-July 1990) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[353KB] |
3-13 |
GPS Observations around Sagami Bay (FebruaryーNovember, 1990) (HD) PDF[220KB] |
3-14 |
Crustal Movements in the Kanto District (GSI) PDF[152KB] |
3-15 |
Recent Results of Continuous Tilt Observation in the Kanto-Tokai Area (May-October, 1990) (IESDP) PDF[610KB] |
3-16 |
Observation by Watertube Tiltmeter at a Former Tunnel of Aburatubo Crustal Movement Observatory from 1949 to 1981 (ERI) PDF[179KB] |
3-17 |
Abnormal Crustal Movements Observed at the Nokogiriyama crustal Movement Observatory (ERI) PDF[128KB] |
3-18 |
Results of Continuous Observation by Borehole Three-Component Strainmeters at Yasato, Ibaraki and Kofu, Yamanashi (from May to October, 1990) (IESDP) PDF[322KB] |
3-19 |
Geomagnetic Anomaly and Free-air Gravity Anomaly at the East Offing of Sumisu Shima lsland (HD) PDF[198KB] |
3-20 |
Variation in Earth Resistivity at Aburatsubo (December, 1989-May, 1990) (ERI) PDF[274KB] |
3-21 |
Multi-Channel Seismic Survey at Adjacent Sea of the Plate Triple Junction off Boso Peninsula (HD) PDF[361KB] |
3-22 |
Multi-Channel Seismic Profiles of the Sagami-Nada (I) (HD) PDF[453KB] |
4-1 |
Seismic Activities in the Izu Peninsula and its Vicinity (November 1989-October 1990) (ERI) PDF[802KB] |
4-2 |
Seismic Activity in and around the lzu Peninsula (May-October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[98KB] |
4-3 |
Sea-Bottom Seismograph Observation South off lzu Peninsula, Central Japan, in June-July 1989 (IESDP) PDF[577KB] |
4-4 |
On the Seismic Activity near Miyakejima Island (October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[360KB] |
4-5 |
On the Earthquake (M5.1) in the Western Part of Kanagawa Prefecture, August 5,1990 (JMA) PDF[483KB] |
4-6 |
The Earthquake in the Western Part of Kanagawa Prefecture (August 5,1990) (IESDP) PDF[414KB] |
4-7 |
Geodimeter Surveys at the Izu Peninsula Base Line Networks. (ERI) PDF[270KB] |
4-8 |
Recent Horizontal Displacement in the Off-Ito Seismovolcanic Region Detected by the Automatic Electronic Distance Measurement (ERI) PDF[126KB] |
4-9 |
Crustal Movements in the lzu Peninsula and its Vicinity (GSI) PDF[957KB] |
4-10 |
Vertical Movements in the Izu-Oshima lsland (GSI) PDF[200KB] |
4-11 |
Coseismic Strain Changes Observed by the Twin Coaxial Strainmeter (JMA) PDF[171KB] |
4-12 |
Fluctiations of Discharge Rate and Water Temperature of Akazawa Hot Spring Well No. 6 at lto City, lzu Peninsula (GS) PDF[206KB] |
4-13 |
Geomagnetic Total lntensity Observations in the Eastern Part of the Izu Peninsula (November, 1989-October, 1990) (ERI) PDF[470KB] |
4-14 |
Variation of Water Quality of Akazawa No. 1 Well and its Relation to Occurrence of Earthquakes (GS) PDF[209KB] |
4-15 |
Radon Observations in the Izu Peninsula (IX) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[159KB] |
4-16 |
The Variation of the Discharge Rate and Radon Concentration at Himenoyu 0bservation Well in lzu Peninsula (July-August, 1990) (GS) PDF[110KB] |
5-1 |
Distribution of Microearthquakes in Tokai District (May 1,1990-Oct. 31,1990) (Nagoya Univ.) PDF[173KB] |
5-2 |
Seismic Activity in the Tokai and Southern Kanto Districts (May-October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[649KB] |
5-3 |
On the Seismic Activity in the Tokai District (JMA) PDF[246KB] |
5-4 |
On the Earthquake (M6.6) in the Region far South off Tokai District (September24,1990) (JMA) PDF[358KB] |
5-5 |
Crustal Movements in the Tokai District (GSI) PDF[865KB] |
5-6 |
Observations of the Crustal Tilts at Sagara and Kamisaka Stations in Shizuoka Prefecture (VII) (Shizuoka Univ. Shizuoka Pref) PDF[285KB] |
5-7 |
Observation of Cruatal-Strains by Borehole Strainmetes in the Tokai and Southern Kanto Districts (May-October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[575KB] |
5-8 |
Gravity Change in Tokai District (Kyouto Univ., Nagoya Univ., NAOM) PDF[212KB] |
5-9 |
Variations in the Geomagnetic Total Intensity in Tokai District (January, 1988-Octover, 1990) (ERI) PDF[417KB] |
5-10 |
Variation in the Electrical Resistivity of the Fujikawa Fault (Jamary, 1988-September, 1990) (ERI) PDF[215KB] |
5-11 |
Radon Observations in the Tokai District (IX) (Tokyo Univ.) PDF[151KB] |
5-12 |
Submarine Topography off Enshu-Nada (HD) PDF[670KB] |
5-13 |
Submarine Topography of the Nankai Trough, off Zenisu (HD) PDF[1.1MB] |
6-1 |
Seismic Activity in the lnner Zone of Southwest Japan (January-June, 1990) (Kyouto Univ.) PDF[468KB] |
6-2 |
Seismic Activity in the Middle and the Northern Kyushu District (May-October, 1990) (Kyushu Univ.) PDF[420KB] |
6-3 |
Recent Seismic Activity in and around Kyushu District (May-October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[507KB] |
6-4 |
Seismic Activity in and around the Okinawa District (May, 1990-October, 1990) (JMA) PDF[411KB] |
6-5 |
Recent Seismic Activity in the Northern Hida and its Adjacent Regions (Kyouto Univ.) PDF[290KB] |
6-6 |
Seismic Activity near the Border of Gifu and Nagano Prefectures (May 5-26,1990) (JMA) PDF[182KB] |
6-7 |
An Earthquake Swarm which Occurred Again to the South of Yonago City (Near the Tottori-Shimane Border) (Kyouto Univ., Tottori Univ.) PDF[784KB] |
6-8 |
The 29 September 1990 Earthquake (M5.2) , which Occurred near Sayo in Hyogo Prefecture (Kyouto Univ.) PDF[566KB] |
6-9 |
Daily Measurements by GPS in Southwestern Japan (Kyouto Univ., Kochi Univ.) PDF[167KB] |
6-10 |
Crustal Movements in the Chubu District (GSI) PDF[151KB] |
6-11 |
Crustal Movements in the Kinki District (GSI) PDF[465KB] |
6-12 |
Vertical Movements in the Chugoku and Shikoku Districts (GSI) PDF[265KB] |
6-13 |
Crustal Movements in the Okinawa District (GSI) PDF[115KB] |
6-14 |
Results from Monitoring Chains of Crustal Activities in Kinki and Hokuriku Districts (Tentative Values) (Kyouto Univ.) PDF[278KB] |
6-15 |
Shallow Subsurface Structure Beneath the Hino River Flat, South-East Shore of Lake Biwa (Kyouto Univ.) PDF[401KB] |
6-16 |
The Second Excavation Sunrey of the Gofukuji Fault along the Itoigawa-Shizuoka Tectonic Line (GS) PDF[828KB] |
7-1 |
Precise Observation of Geomagnetic Secular Variation (January, 1977-September, 1990) (Geomag. Res. Group) PDF[358KB] |